Casual Day Dress is permitted for exam days. Students in grades 07-12 will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m. on exam days and must be picked up no later than 11:30am. This year there will be no special arrangements for students staying after 11:30am.
Students must stay for the entire exam session. Students may not leave the classroom during an exam except for emergencies. If a student must leave the class, he/she should have a pass, and students should only be gone one at a time.
Regular school rules apply on exam days regarding discipline, respect, etc. Cell phones should not be brought into the classroom at all during exams, even if they are turned off. All discipline issues will be sent immediately to Mr. McBrayer.
Students in grades 07-12 must check in no later than 9:30 a.m. if they do not have an exam during the first exam session. Students will check in at the front office and go to the Lunchroom. Students in grades 07-12 may check out at 9:20 a.m. if they do not have an exam during the second exam session. Students should wait to be picked up on the porch of church. At no time should a student be on the High School Hall during an exam time if they are not taking an exam.
Students may go to the Lunchroom for break time. Gym is off limits. Students will be dismissed a couple of minutes before the next exam session begins. Students will need to bring snacks/drinks from home to eat during break time but may not take any snacks to any of the exam sessions.
Prior arrangements for make-up exams must be made with Administration and are for emergencies only.